Progress conditions
並行プログラムの主要な(?) progress conditions,
- deadlock-free
- starvation-free
- lock-free
- wait-free
- obstruction-free
from [Herlihy+, 2011]
A method is lock-free if some thread that calls that method eventually returns.
A method is wait-free if every thread that calls that method eventually returns.
Wait-free bounded¶
We say that a method call executes in isolation for a duration if no other threads take steps during that time.
A method is obstruction-free if every thread that calls that method returns if that thread executes in isolation for long enough.
The obstruction-free property requires the scheduler to allow each thread to run in isolation for a sufficient duration.
Non-blocking properties らの関係性¶
wait-free => lock-free => obstruction-free
Deadlock-free and starvation-free が要求していること¶
These properties guarantee progress only if each thread eventually leaves each critical section.
deadlock-free requirement constrains both
- the scheduler, which cannot halt a thread in a critical section,
- and the software, which must use the lock correctly
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Last update: 2025-01-14